Your Gather Office Floor Plan
‍To help you create the virtual office of your dreams, this guide will explain the floor plans of our starter templates and offer inspiration for how you can customize your space.
Bringing Your Team to Gather
Now that you’ve created your first virtual office, it’s time to bring in members of your team. These best practices will help you onboard your coworkers and ensure they have a great first experience working in Gather.
Gather の新しいバーチャルオフィスへようこそ!チームで集まって共同作業をしたり、人間関係を構築できる仮想空間で、世界中のどこにいても、まるで同じ場所にいるような感覚で働くことができます。Gather のバーチャルオフィスを最大限に活用するために ガイドを見ていきましょう。
Your Team’s First Week in Gather
The official guide for moving your remote team to Gather and making your new virtual office feel like home.
The Ultimate Guide to Better Video Meetings
Avoid meeting fatigue and keep your remote team happy and engaged by creating an energizing meeting environment. With these tips, you'll re-engage your teams on video calls and hold more productive meetings.